Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another about November 10th...

if you look over to the right and scroll down, you'll see a list of people that i have heard from who are planning to meet and eat on november 10th. in the next month or so, i'll add a poll and we'll choose a place to eat.

if you are reading this and haven't responded about our get-together, please let me know!!

Monday, August 13, 2007


elizabeth had a baby boy, will, on august 3rd. she sent some pictures, but they were extra large and i couldn't figure out how to condense them!!! i will work on it and see what i can do. everyone is doing well, or at least appeared to be!! and he is TOO cute!!!!


they're home!!!

brad, kelly, mallory, and mccain have moved from colorado to tupelo!!! e-mail me at if you want their info. i'm not going to post it here!!!!

update from lee ellen...

well, here is a picture of perrin at 2 months. when lee ellen sends a picture of mary paxton, i'll post it, too!!! isn't he too cute!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

From Elizabeth.....

Well, Will has decided to become a breech baby!! And since I have dialated 3 cm and am 80% effaced, we are having a C-section today at 2:00! Yall, say a prayer that his lungs are good and healthy, and I'll send pictures when I get a chance............elizabeth